With a theme of “Express Yourself” the Union of Maine Visual Artists (UMVA) will host a 50th year Gala on August 3, 2024 at Merrymeeting Hall, 27 Main St., Bowdoinham from 6 to 11 PM. Titled "The Carlo Pittore Costume Ball and Art Auction", this art party celebrates community and camaraderie in the spirit of Carlo Pittore, the force behind the founding of the UMVA in 1975. Pittore’s studio was in Bowdoinham. The band BookHead SweetTooth from Belfast will supply the music ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/237598333928131/ ). A pot luck plus wine and beer are also planned for the event. Suggested donations range from $10-$50 at the door. This fundraiser will finance and support UMVA’s new updated website providing more value for members. Sponsors include Rising Tide Brewery, Maine Gallery + Studio Guide and WERU Community Radio. Pittore, the subject of the film CARLO … and his Merry Band of Artists,...